

Suheila Mukhtar

Suheila Mukhtar is a junior at Harvard College studying Human Developmental & Regenerative Biology. She is currently investigating microbe-directed magnitude of variations in ovariole number across different Drosophila spp .

Nini Sikharulidze

Nini Sikharulidze is a senior at Harvard college studying human developmental & regenerative biology. She investigated the nutritional relatedness to the effect of microbes on ovariole number in Drosophila.

Mentors & PIs

Prof. Cassandra Extavour
Prof. Boaz Yuval
Prof. Edouard Jurkevitch
Prof. Joseph Selvin
Prof. Bhavanath Jha
Prof. N.O. Gopal
Prof. R. Anandham
LateĀ Prof. SRD. Jebakumar